Monday, June 28, 2010

Sometimes, it can be a good thing.

You know those friends that you had a long time ago that you've just lost touch with? Whether one of you moved, you changed, whatever... for any reason, just that person/people that you used to be close to but no longer talk to?
Yeah. Sometimes it can just be a good thing that can brighten you or the other's day just the tiniest bit if you just drop 'em a line. A call, an e-mail, a text, a freakin' LETTER, for god's sake.
That's what I just did.

I had this friend... a best friend, I guess you could call her that... a while ago, back before I moved. We were literally joined at the hip, we did absolutely everything together. We were those kind of friends. We were the outcasts of the school, but the kind of outcasts who don't give a damn.
Well, I moved away. A common occurrence that happens in many friendships.
For a few months after that, the two of us kept in touch. It was just like old times; the only difference was that we didn't live as close. Not that we lived fairly close to each other in the first place, but we were at least in the same town.
So, obviously... neither of us really knew what was going on at the other's school, I mean, we would tell each other a bit, but sometimes there aren't words to describe every single little detail. I'm pretty sure she stayed friends with the same people that we both knew hen I was still living there, but I obviously met some new people. Most of the time, when a friend meets new friends and tells their old friends about the new friends, the old friends probably get jealous of the friends of their friend.
... yeah, I bet that wasn't confusing at ALL xD
But, anyway, I'm not sure if that's what was going through her mind, but I'm sure its a pretty big slab of the pie chart.
Then there was this other girl who had never really liked me and I never liked her and... all that, so my friend, I guess, started hanging out with her, since I was gone. The thing with that girl, though, is that she's phony... she gets yo to be her friend, then turns on you or whatever. She was probably talking crap about me behind my back to my best friend... which is probably the reason why we lost touch.
Or, at least, that's what I think happened. Its just a gut feeling; one thats almost always right.

So, that's basically what happened but, now... back to the original topic of conversation.
I sent her an e-mail about five minutes ago. My "ex-best-friend", I guess you could call her.
So many people have been telling me just tog et over it and not waste my time and crap like that, but the thing is.. they just don't get it. She was my BEST FRIEND. I told her EVERYTHING.
Sometimes its just hard to let go of things like that.
Which is why I sent her that e-mail... stupidly, I told her in a PS note that she doesn't have to reply if she doesn't want to. Probably not the best thing to tell someone, but... I told her that. I mean, I'm not really looking for a reply; the whole reason for the message is that I wanted to let her know that I haven't forgotten about the past.

so, I just wanted to say that... well, just dropping a line to an old friend can maybe, hopefully, just brighten someone's day. =)


though, I just have a feeling that I probably started something bad with this... oh, hell. xD
We'll see what happens.
Cause, well, everything happens for a reason, right?


  1. ... If everything happens for a reason, Twi, then.. well... that Billie thing with your mom is kinda creepier XD
    Naw, kidding... Sorta...
    Anyway, yeah...
    ... yeah...

  2. ... oh, great xd
    well... yes... GREAT! XD
    i hope xd
