Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My really bad Billie impersonation xd

Yeah... it didn't go well. xD I couldn't find the other picture that I wanted, so I settled for that one.
Don't ask me why I was trying to imitate him, I just got REALLY bored and figured, eh, what the hell, how bad could it be?
pretty bad xD
Yeah... so, let's hope he never sees that picture. It's a very small chance that he ever will, but, hey.. .its the internet.. .anything can happen here. XD

It also doesn't help that my tie is, like... RAINBOW. But, I'll dye it red somehow, since I don't really wanna spend the money that I don't have on a new tie. LOL. If only I could find a way to dye it red... hmm...
Any ideas?

Well... yeah... so I just felt like posting my epic fail of a Billie Joe Armstrong imitation. If I ever do that again (note the word IF xd) I'm hoping that it'll turn out waaaayyy batter.... hopefully...

Yup. Enjoy. =D

God, I'm so sick of it...

Sick of having to hide everything. I mean, can't I just be sad for one freakin' day anymore?
It always seems like I have to CONSTANTLY be happy around EVERYONE... which isn't much, considering my mom constantly works anyway, so I'm basically already living alone, but... still. I'm even afraid to act that way around my friends. Don't get me wrong, they're awesome friends and I love 'em to death, but... I just feel like I have to hide things around them, too. They know that I used to be emo, that I used be seriously depressed and self-harm and all that stuff that emos do, but... I guess what I'm getting at here is... is that now that I'm not really emo anymore, that I have to be happy now. In my head, the little voice just says something like, "no, you're not that way anymore. You can't be sad or depressed anymore. Now that you're at least somewhat normal, you have to be happy."
I know, I know, that's not a good way to think. But that's what my head tells me. My head doesn't tend to tell me good, normal... sane... things very often, but, still.... It says that.
It just gets to me that it does that, though. I don't WANT to be happy.
.... well, that came out a little more harsh than it was supposed to, but I was trying to say that I don't want to have to act happy when I'm really not. The fact that I have to do that just makes me even more depressed than I was before.
Then there's the thing with my family... they don't tend to help anything, either. I can't be happy, sad, depressed, so-so... i can't really be ANYTHING around them. They don't get me. They don't accept me for what I am or something. I don't know what goes through their heads, and honestly, I don't want to, cause its probably a lot worse than what I'm pretty sure goes through it in the first place.
But, I mean, its like they don't want me to be part or their family. Frankly, I don't really want to be part of it either. Whenever I see them (which, thankfully, isn't much) they always ignore me. Well, my cousin doesn't, but she's the type of person who you WANT to leave you alone. But, when she doesn't ignore me, she's always talking trash about me. To my face. She's said things to me that don't seem like much, but when your own family doesn't like you, they hurt. She's told me I'm boring, that I'm a jerk, that I'm a bitch (where that came from, I don't know), that she knows that I know that my own family hates me... all that stuff.
And then, the holidays... oh, the wonders I see on those days... sometimes.
I rarely get anything as gifts from them, but when i do, its really nothing great. I know that makes me sound like a whiny spoiled brat, but I'm not. What I mean by "nothing great" is stuff that they WANT me to be. Like, bright pink frilly shirts and tights and makeup and... crap like that. Maybe I'd appreciate the makeup if they'd gotten me some dark black eyeliner, but, no... that's a deadly sin to them... basically anything dark, black, whatever is. Which is exactly why wear the darkest clothes I have whenever I see them. But now I tend to wear my Green Day shirt a lot when I go over there... oh, that too. They hate the kind of music I listen to. Honestly, I don't know why, because Green day and 80's rock are AMAZING... but they do. The music I listen to is real... its not any of that new pop shit that's all about love and drugs and sex and whatever else. Like the stuff my cousin listens to. Like the stuff most of them listen to. My uncle and my other cousin listen to good stuff; you know, Ramones, Aerosmith, AC/DC, GOOD stuff.... but the rest of them... nope.
Personally, I think most of their problem with the music I like is the excessive cussing.
Pfft, and they seriously wonder WHY I like that stuff? *rolls eyes* Hypocrites. Telling us that cussing is bad when they blow up the freakin' house with their constant f-bombs.
So, thanks to them, i do that too. Obviously not around THEM... but, trust me, my friends and I cuss pretty bad.
Also, a lot of times, they make me feel like I'm worthless. The way they look at me, talk to me (if they even do that)... well, that applies to everyone, not just my family. I just feel like I'm nothing to this planet, like the world would be better off if I wasn't on it. Hell, it probably would be.
But, as a conclusion to this extremely long post... I really am sick of everything. I just want to feel like I DO belong here, even though I probably don't.

.... but, lastly, I'm really sorry for any of you that actually read all that... I know you probably didn't want to hear a bunch of crap about my life, but... sometimes... people have to vent.. right?
But, I really am sorry for all that.... but, as usual...

Peace out.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The OSOH Song

So, my friend made this song.... about us OSOH. XD When the pictures of all of us come up in the beginning (the really bad drawings that say "sen" and "linny" and stuff xd) are the "Stuffed Animals" that I drew of us. XD Then with the collages of all of us in real life, I'm the one with the big, gay-looking yellow glasses xD
The song is to to the tune of "Minority" by Green Day... since we all had mistaken thoughts on what Billie actually says in the song... so the one of us, East, wrote alternate lyrics to fit the OSOH. XD
But, the "like a shithead runs from earth" line was mine. XD I actually thought that was what he said in the song.... it turns out that he says "like a sheep runs from the herd".
A little off there, eh? XD

So... yeah. I wanted to show you guys that awesome genius video. XD

Awesomness Songs xD

well, you know the drummer from Green Day, Tre Cool, right? If not, well, Tre Cool is the drummer of Green Day. xD
And he writes songs. I swear, funniest songs EVER.
Like the one called Billie Joe's Mom. It's so funny, that I just went on some music website to get a download and put it on my iPod. LOL.
There's a lot of other ones as well, though.... like Chocolate Rain... oh, that's a good one xd here's a link to a video with four of his songs on it...
Song 1 - Billie Joe's Mom
Song 2 - Food Around the Corner
Song 3 - Like A Rat Does Cheese
Song 4 - Dominated Love Slave

oh, and this is Chocolate Rain:
That's on my iPod as well xD I love that one part... "The scars on my... oh, wait, I'm reading the wrong song! CHOCOLATE RAIN!" LMAO XD

I have to say, he's kind of a perv.... but a hilarious perv at that xD
I honestly don't know where he gets all the time to write these, but I'm glad that he does find it... cause they are the freakin' funniest songs ever... xD

So, I just felt the need to share those with you.. hopefully you'll get some laughs out of Tre's awesomeness like I did. XD


Monday, June 28, 2010

Sometimes, it can be a good thing.

You know those friends that you had a long time ago that you've just lost touch with? Whether one of you moved, you changed, whatever... for any reason, just that person/people that you used to be close to but no longer talk to?
Yeah. Sometimes it can just be a good thing that can brighten you or the other's day just the tiniest bit if you just drop 'em a line. A call, an e-mail, a text, a freakin' LETTER, for god's sake.
That's what I just did.

I had this friend... a best friend, I guess you could call her that... a while ago, back before I moved. We were literally joined at the hip, we did absolutely everything together. We were those kind of friends. We were the outcasts of the school, but the kind of outcasts who don't give a damn.
Well, I moved away. A common occurrence that happens in many friendships.
For a few months after that, the two of us kept in touch. It was just like old times; the only difference was that we didn't live as close. Not that we lived fairly close to each other in the first place, but we were at least in the same town.
So, obviously... neither of us really knew what was going on at the other's school, I mean, we would tell each other a bit, but sometimes there aren't words to describe every single little detail. I'm pretty sure she stayed friends with the same people that we both knew hen I was still living there, but I obviously met some new people. Most of the time, when a friend meets new friends and tells their old friends about the new friends, the old friends probably get jealous of the friends of their friend.
... yeah, I bet that wasn't confusing at ALL xD
But, anyway, I'm not sure if that's what was going through her mind, but I'm sure its a pretty big slab of the pie chart.
Then there was this other girl who had never really liked me and I never liked her and... all that, so my friend, I guess, started hanging out with her, since I was gone. The thing with that girl, though, is that she's phony... she gets yo to be her friend, then turns on you or whatever. She was probably talking crap about me behind my back to my best friend... which is probably the reason why we lost touch.
Or, at least, that's what I think happened. Its just a gut feeling; one thats almost always right.

So, that's basically what happened but, now... back to the original topic of conversation.
I sent her an e-mail about five minutes ago. My "ex-best-friend", I guess you could call her.
So many people have been telling me just tog et over it and not waste my time and crap like that, but the thing is.. they just don't get it. She was my BEST FRIEND. I told her EVERYTHING.
Sometimes its just hard to let go of things like that.
Which is why I sent her that e-mail... stupidly, I told her in a PS note that she doesn't have to reply if she doesn't want to. Probably not the best thing to tell someone, but... I told her that. I mean, I'm not really looking for a reply; the whole reason for the message is that I wanted to let her know that I haven't forgotten about the past.

so, I just wanted to say that... well, just dropping a line to an old friend can maybe, hopefully, just brighten someone's day. =)


though, I just have a feeling that I probably started something bad with this... oh, hell. xD
We'll see what happens.
Cause, well, everything happens for a reason, right?

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ah, it's finally over.

As of yesterday, school's out for the summer. So, you know what I did when I got home.
I blasted School's Out by Alice Cooper. Oooo, feel the irony.

I do have to say, it was a pretty frikking awesome last day of school. Not necessarily the end-of-year slide-show thing... I wasn't a huge fan of that... but it was what we did AFTER that was the fun part.
Basically, all my friends and I walked into town and did crap.
I know, sounds boring; but, honestly, it was one of the best times if my freaking life. We put a whole to meaning to the game of Truth or Dare. XD

And we tend to get others stuck in ditches very often...
Well, let's put it this way: We're one interesting group of friends.

I was seriously shocked that we didn't get thrown out of that Chinese Buffet.
But, really, that buffet was AMAZING. An all-you-can-eat buffet plus a drink for only $8.90. Totally made of awesome sauce.
The waitress was getting kinda ticked at us, though... i mean, when eight random teenagers walk into a small Chinese Buffet, what do you expect?
... you see my point. xD

But, I have to say that the sight of Avarie and Jake dragging Burgett out of the forest by his feet is something that I'll never forget.

Yup. So, now that school's out, I'm on summer break! WOO!
I've got a party to go to on Saturday... there's my plans. LOL.
I'm sure I'll find some other stuff to do sooner or later.
So, as for now, that's all.


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The afterlife?

I know, weird topic for me to randomly blurt out and talk about.
The afterlife is just always something I've wondered about, though... I mean, is there really a place you go when you die? Personally, I think there is a Heaven (funny, considering I'm an atheist but I believe in THAT O_o) and that there is a Hell, but, what if there's something in between?
I know that people are always saying, "oh, ghosts aren't real. There's no way" and crap, but things like that tend to make my mind wander. Sometimes it likes to wander to little la-la lands, but it still wanders, often to topics like this one.
If you were to ask me about my belief in ghosts and the afterlife and things to the effect, I wouldn't say that I don't believe in it nor that I do, I would only say that I keep an open mind. Yes, the concept of ghosts living in the world is just the slightest bit strange, but hey, you never know, right? I'm sure there's more than just one person in the world who thinks that they've felt the presence of something supernatural before. Like, when you get that creepy feeling at night when you're trying to sleep that someone is watching you, or when you think you see something on the other side of the room. I, like most people probably do, just try to shrug it off and say, "oh, it's all in my head. There's nothing in here."
But... what if there IS?
Then I think that to myself, then I get all creeped out and don't sleep for a week. Yeah, that's what I get for being so damn curious about everything.
Aside from that, what I'm really trying to say is, how do we know for sure that ghosts and other forms of the afterlife (if there is one) are real?
We don't.
These scientists these days can do study after study after study and still not find anything, yet tell us that things like this aren't real. You know, sometimes, I just want to walk up to one of them scientists and give 'em a nice big smack across the face. Then I'd yell something like, "QUIT YER DAMN JABBERING ABOUT HOW THIS AIN'T REAL!" or something stupid like that. Then I'd get a restraining order. Oh, that larfs my friends would have if that happened.
But, again, that's beside the point I'm trying to make...

Now, I bet you're wondering where this all came from.
You honestly want to know? Seriously, its pretty pathetic.
And it probably means that I shouldn't think so deep into those Ghost Whisperer episodes. XD
yeah. That's pretty much the roots of all this. Ghost Whisperer.
Though, I do have to say, that is one pretty awesome show. I love it.
But its not the WHOLE reason for my blabbering about ghosts and the afterlife here.
Like I said before, this is just a topic the I've always found fascinating. I always seem to be interested in creepy, supernatural things like that... you know, watch me grow up and become one of those conspiracy theorists.
... That would actually be pretty funny.

So, I guess I'll leave you all hanging on my thoughts there. While I'm off trying to hunt some ghosts, have fun on this wonderful little munchkin of a blogging site.



... is my book.
I was thinking about maybe posting a few chapters on here for y'alls to read, but considering its all written down in some random notebook that I found and not typed up on the computer, that won't be happening anytime soon. xD
But, no worries, I will post it up... eventually...

But, as for now, I'll just give you all a little overview on the story. Since I suck at writing descriptions that sound all professional and cool (you know, like when you Wikipedia it) and the whole nine yards, I'll just say it as if I'm talking to my best friend (which is how I talk anyway xD). Yeah.

So, basically, it's about this fifteen year old girl named Harley who's half-vampire and half-werewolf. She's part of an organization called the S.S.S (sSecret Society for the Supernatural). She mostly lives with the S.S.S, but also has a home with her aunt, as her parents were forced to orphan her and are presumed to be dead.

... yeah. Horrible description, right? xD
I know, I know, it doesn't explain much, but I'm sure you get the gist of it all, right? It'll be easier to follow when I post the actual story itself.. but, as of now, that's what you'll have to live with. =D

so, I just thought you all might like to know about that.

Peace out.

Monday, June 21, 2010

.... banned. Again.

From Howrse.
or, as I prefer to call it, Whorse.

Stupid site banned me from the forums... again! I mean, what the hell did I do THIS time?
Nothing... yeah... for once. xD

I mean, I can see why they would ban me if I spammed again... but who said I did? I didn't spam this time ONE bit... I didn't do anything wrong... man, sometimes I just want to go after those Whorse mods and admins.

So, the picture on the right there is one that I edited myself. I took a photo of the Howrse logo and just splatted "REJECTS" on there. xD That's what so many people are these days, ones that get banned from Howrse.
you know, I think Howrse is racist.
I mean, I don't have anything against the french, don't get me wrong, but it always seems like its the players that AREN'T from France or any part of Europe that get banned. While there are people from those regions that do... it just seems like its more us who live in the Idiot America that tend to get banned or blocked more often.
So, all of us who get banned, we're the Howrse Rejects.
Which is my other personal nickname for the Official Spammers of Howrse.
Yeah, remember when I mentioned the OSOH? That's what it is, my friends.
Its a lot more fun that it sounds... going around and posting tons of random crap in forums of those mere, innocent players of Whorse. *evil smirk* Then, of course, we do have our bigger missions... like the mod's forums... I think we've gotten to the admins, I'm just not completely positive yet... I'll find out sooner or later.
There's obviously other spams that we do other than Whorse, like Wikipedia (I'm still finding my page all over the internet xD Maybe I'll write about it) and other places.... but... yeah. That's what the OSOH is, to put it simply. We're also many other things. xD

So, I guess that's a wrap for now on this topic. To anyone who reads this (anyone? maybe? I'm not positive xD), thanks for reading!


Well, they deleted THAT account. Stupid Whorse.

Okay, you know, this is really getting on my nerves...


Why can't Youtube and the MOV video format just be FRIENDS?!

I keep trying to upload my new video.. and it won't work. It won't freaking work...

its really pissing me off....

So now I've gotta download this big thing to convert the friggin video to WMV format.

The internet just has to make everything so hard, doesn't it? Nothing can work with something... nothing is ever compatible. You always have to download or buy or find something to make it work, which tends to be a tedious job most of the time.
Like this thing I'm using to convert my video right now... ergh.
I swear, if this doesn't work, I'm going after whoever is in charge of what video formats are accepted on youtube with that big stick I have in my room.


watch it not work xD

It'll be just my luck if it doesn't.

So, while that is working, I'll just type some random stuff in here that you all may find amusing while I wait to see if this works and decides to upload on youtube.
what to say, what to say...
Ever heard of Speedy Spuds?


You just stick it in the microwave for, like, five minutes and BAM, it comes out all cooked and ready. I basically sucked the life out of mine last night. They're so good... and fairly cheap at the market.

Yeah. Speedy Spuds.

.... that name sounds so stupid, but, I'm not kidding - these speedy spuds are the best thing ever invented, next to the rubber duck.




You're. Freaking. KIDDING. ME.


*seethes* Come hither, person who administrates youtube... I have a present for you, that just happens to be a large stick...

well, I'm off to try something else...(*coughMURDERcoughBLOODYMURDERcough*)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Eh... school.

Everyone's favorite time of the school year: the last day.

This month has dragged so bad, June always does. But, thankfully, Wednesday is my last day of school. *Phew*.... what a relief.
Finals are done, no more of those teachers that you just can't stand, no more drama for about ten weeks... hopefully... School's out. Best time of the year.

It just seems like its been such a short time since I started this new school. It seems like the first day of school was yesterday and I didn't know anyone... you know... all that. But, I'm lad to realize that, despite some of the crappier times this year, this school is pretty awesome. I've made some great friends; and that's all I really care about.

But... the big question is: how to spend the summer?
A question I always have issues with, personally....
All I know for sure is that I'm going to that Green Day concert this August. In LAWN SEATS.
Yeah, lawn seats are the BOMB, dude. xD
.... literally.
I mean, yeah, you're not very close to the stage or anything, but I have to say, sometimes, the lawn seats are the root of the fun. You're not stuck in one place for the whole time... yeah. But, the best part: you're not paying an arm and a leg for seats under the canopy.
So, there's my "for sure" for this summer. Other crap I'll be doing... ehh.... I'm not sure. I'm sure as time goes on that I'll find some crap to do.

So, since I had to save this post yesterday before I published it, only ONE day of testing left. XD


That's all for now...

... peace.

Friday, June 18, 2010

... Just something that's good to remember.

"Why compare yourself with others? Nobody in the entire world can do a better job of being you than you."

^^ It's true. I often find myself thinking that everyone else is better than me or that I'm not good enough to be part of the world... I'm sure a lot of you out there have thought the same thing at one time or another. The key is to just not let other people put you down.
If people are gonna be jerks, well, let them. Their words or actions aren't going to change anything you say or do; the only thing that matters is how you feel about yourself. The opinions of others should mean nothing. (well, unless its a good thing, of course. *wink*)
Never think that another person is better than you. The truth is, you're both just people who live in the world, on the earth. Everyone's equal, but that doesn't mean that everyone is also the same.
when people put you down just because you may be different than them is just something to let slide out of your head. Differing from others is something to be proud of, because its highly likely that the people who say you're a "freak" or "weird" or anything to the effect are all the same themselves. Everything they say, do, wear and etcetera is all the same. They're just ashamed and too afraid to break away from the deep rut they've made for themselves.
Personally, I think the people who put me and others down are just jealous that they can't be like us. They wish that they could get away from being the same as everyone else and just be... themselves. They don't take that chance of being different because they think that they'll be rejected and discriminated against for trying to be who they truly are.

So, just remember that. The next time someone tries to put you down for being different, just remember that all they are is jealous. No one will ever be able to live up to who you are except yourself. I bet there's a whole ton of people in the world who wish to be just like you.
Never doubt that there ARE people in the world who care about you.
It's taken me a great while to find that myself, but trust me, when you do, I guarantee that you'll be fearless.

Be different. Be who you are, and don't ever let anyone degrade you from thinking that you are in fact an honor to the world.
If you can really be yourself with no fears of being put down for it, than you truly are a strong, fearless person.

You know... I love carnivals.

They're so fun. All the rides and the booths... and the fried dough xD
This last one I went to was really fun... and interesting XD My friends Alisa and Sarah actually managed to get me and Eden on a ride called the Downdraft... god... XD Scary as hell. But really fun... then they managed to get ME on the Paratrooper... also fun... but, of course, we got stuck at the top.. its like a Ferris wheel but the cars are swing around... and its sideways.... yeah. Good stuff.

Then there was the poster booth.
Oh, the memories that holds.... xD Green darts now amuse me to no end.
So, they had a Green Day poster... right?(It's the one at the right, just without all the magazine stuff.... but its that picture xd) Well, me being me and having walked past it about six times, I had to get it.. so I give the dude the money, and he hands me a dart to throw at the poster... a green dart, nonetheless.... xd and i throw it. I was aiming for between their heads so I wouldn't hit the actual PERSON... well....
Considering I had just ridden those two rides which are both extremely... spinny? Yeah, I guess that works... I was all dizzy and disoriented... so the dart freakin' nosedives and hits poor Billie right in the nuts. XD

I felt SO BAD. XD

I still do.

But it was seriously funny. XD And its also made its way to somewhere else, that dart story... to ze Green Day rpg on the OSOH forum.

Wondering what the OSOH is?

Well, maybe I'll tell you. I doubt it, though. 'Tis a secret.
... sorta...

Good luck trying to figure it out. XD

But, yup. There's my little green dart story... whenever I look at that poster in my room, I automatically think of that. Not the BEST memory to have of your favorite band... but lets just say that it's something I'll never forget.

Thought y'all might get a few laughs out of it.


Probably not.

... yeah.


... my guitar =D

So, yep! To the right over there >> is my guitar. Pearl White Fender Squier Strat... SO low on the quality scale, but, i do have to say, its near and dear to my heart. =)
Guitar is, like... my life. I've devoted so much time to learning it and palying it and so many other things that involve it... I just love it. It's my peaceful escape from the world; when things are going wrong and everything just sucks, I go straight to my guitar. It's everything to me. There could be nothing left in the world for me to hope for, but I know that this guitar would always be there.

Now... that sounds all sentimental again...
WHY do i keep doing that?

But, what I'm just trying to say here, is that my guitar is everything to me.

But i think I already said that.

ANYWAYS... I do guitar covers of a bunch of songs on youtube, so for those of you who would like to check some of 'em out, my username on youtube is vrule3. =D

I guess that's all on my guitar for now... I just felt the need to make a post for it =)


Peace out, y'alls.

The name?

Wondering where this name came from, "The Longview"?


I happened to be listening to Longview by Green Day when i made this blog. so, BAM, there ya go.
And i just thought it sounded cool... like, i was feeling all smart for once in my life and was like, "hey... The Longview.. its like the 'LONG VIEW' of my life! Oh, that's brilliant! just brilliant! now people will think I'm actually smart!"

That's where it came from. XD

So... life, eh?

Ah, life... something everyone has to go through...
Good, bad, the middle, this, that and the other thing... What makes of life?
what's the meaning of it?


okay, I'm not meaning to get all sentimentally intelligent sounding here xD
I was in a mood a second ago when i wrote that down.
What I really meant to say is...
How goes it?

For moi, life seems pretty good. School's almost over... thank GOD. Two more days of finals then that "moving up day" whatever, then I'm OUT.... for the summer.
It oughtta be interesting, trying to figure out what the hell I'm going to do. Well, one things for sure: I'm going to that Green day concert... so excited. =D
The only catch to that is i have to go with BOTH my parents.
Who are divorced.
And I'm going with my friend.
Yeah, that won't be awkward ONE bit...
And my mom doesn't exactly.... KNOW... about the, uh... "excessive profanity" that Green Day tends to use. XD
Well, lets hope she doesn't mind and that I don't get murdered at the beginning of the concert, cause I just have a gut feeling Billie is going to shout something like, "YOU! HOW ARE YA ALL MOTHAF*CKA'S DOIN' TONIGHT?!"
I just do xD and, most of the time, those gut-feeling tend to be true.
At least the bad ones do... whenever i have a GOOD gut-feeling, it likes to go in the opposite direction. Hopefully this one won't... cause, well, lets just say that would really suck for me and be a great experience for the big stick I have in my room.

.... I bet you're wondering why I have a big stick in my room.

I swear, its not anything bad or anything... I just happened to buy a giant stick at the Renaissance fair a few years ago. I mean, god forbid some thief comes into the apartment.. I can use the stick to protect myself as a last resort, since I doubt it would work to sic my cat on the person.

But, anyways. That's my life, currently. Kinda boring, not all that exciting. I'm hoping it'll get more interesting in the next few weeks or... anytime really, cause if not, I'm sure anyone reading this will think, "screw this. This girl is BORING as HELL."
and that would really suck. XD

Yeah. That's that...
... peace to the world, gang.

Hey, there... Welcome.

So... this is my blog. Welcome.
As you can see, it's not really all that themed. It's just sort of a blog for those of you out there who like to read about other peoples lives online. =D
well, not really.
This'll be more of a blog for people like me. The outcasts of the world. People who don't give a damn about anything "in" or "cool" or "new" or whatever crap is going around.
This is just a place for people like all of us to just... be ourselves. A place for us to not have to worry about what other people think or say about you (though you shouldn't have to worry about that anyway) and a place for you to just... kick back and relax.

Always feel free to comment on any of my posts, and don't be afraid to just... vent. Let it out.
You can say anything; I don't mind! That's what this is here for, right?

So, I guess that's a wrap for now. I hope that those of you reading this choose to keep updated on this blog, and a few followers would be great... if not, well, just have fun.

Peace out.